Direktlänk till inlägg 27 juli 2009

Stalker time.

Av /A - 27 juli 2009 20:25

The Yarn Harlot has during the past month been stalked by someone clearly not mentally stable. She has taken action against this person, but as it is hard to constantly keep track and delete her vile commentaries, Steph has asked all of us that reads her blog not to engage in discussions with this person, as it only will fule the rage and make life even more difficult for Steph and her family.

More than 3000 people has shown their support for Steph and the action she has taken, and some of us have also had first hand experience with stalkers and know that some of them are even dangerous. I do hope this one will turn her attention elsewhere - preferrably to the nearest doctors office, where she may be properly medicated (there - I said it). These people can, as I've already stated, be dangerous as well as verbally threatening, and I hope Steph takes the proper precautions.

This post is in English, as it is possible to trackback to me from Steph, and the readers of the YH blog are mainly English speaking, I'd like them to be able to read this one. This entry is a public announcement of my support for her, and also the non-acceptance of stalkers, whether it be on the internet or IRL.

Steph - keep up the good work. We're with you.


    Kom ihåg mig



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